How to use Twitter for Social Learning

6a00e0098cc7d58833010537011167970cTwitter can be used for a variety of educational reasons….

Some of these are
Other activities
Collaborative writing
Scavenger hunts
Serious games
Group projects
Running a book club

These are from a how to from Jane Hart’s blog.

Additionally you can share photos on TWITTER using TWITPIC (unfortunate name?!)… This is just one of the applications available when twittering.

Go to TWITTER and join up..


In the Junior School this year we have been using a WEB 2.0 tool called EDMODO.

It is a micro-blogging tool that allows the students to post a comment, upload a file, follow a link all in a secure chatroom environment.

Students in Year 6 have been using it for their Unit of  Inquiry – Where we are in place and time – to discuss their inquiry into Refugees.

We also have a Junior Japanese page, Hoshi Club, Junior Library Monitor page and Junior Library Chatroom (Year 3 -6 SALC students only) . Each group page has a code. Please see the relevant teacher if you wish to join the group.



ICT Tool – Might be useful for student collaboration?!

“CopyTaste enables you to create your own private URL with the data you wish to share with your friends or colleagues.

You can paste codes, tips or stories into the text editor, upload an image or a video file, or share a video link from any video streaming site.

And the best part is that you can do all of these at once without any registration required!”