Screencasting in Literacy Rotations

Year 6 students will be exploring two apps that are sometimes known as Screencasting apps.

See Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Screencasting here and an iTunesU screencasting collection.

Students will consider the features of the apps and select one to create a demonstration video on a topic of their choosing. We will then share these with other students using Augmented Reality and add to a tutorial wall with student recommended apps.

The two apps we have identified are ShowMe and Explain Everything. There are many more that you could use to create a similar result. Both apps allow you to annotate, animate, and narrate a presentation.

See this guide for Teaching and recording a process using an iPad (@iPadWells).

Before students actually create their tutorial they need to plan their presentation using a story board.


Read this post before you start Steps in Creation.


ShowMe App Tutorials

Explore the ShowMe community to learn from others.

ShowMe PDF

Explain Everything App Tutorials

Explain Everything PDF 

Excellent tutorials and resources are  also available at the STiLT website  (see a few links below):

Navigating the home screen
Building your project
Recording narration
Exporting and saving your project


These resources are also available on the Year 6 Literacy Rotations page in Moodle.


Random Sharing – research, websites, apps and Geography!

Some great new finds…..


Research tools and websites, Goolge Docs and Apps for Geography.

STUDY VIBE – Fantastic site!


Resources for teachers





Slideshare – Geography and Apps.

Note taking, Edshelf and Blendspace

Note taking is something that we all need to do.

Enclosed in the Blendspace below is an excellent tutorial that guides the listener in good practice and ways to improve and be more effective and efficient.

The skill of note taking is one that can be developed with practice.

The Blendspace below has interactive tutorials, suggested guidelines and images of how notes can be set out.

How good are your note taking skills?

See Blendspace reviewed here.

More of my Edshelf collections.

Some researching tools and note taking apps

Continue reading


Students often find it difficult to know where to begin when searching on the internet.

I have put together Steps to Online Researching with suggested search engines for students on my JSSALC Library wiki.

jssalc wiki searching

SEARCHING THE INTERNET is a collection of Youtube videos, internet links, search hints and tips all gathered in one handy location.

Additionally, the JS Library Virtual Library ONLINE TOOLS for INFORMATION LITERACY has ICT tools matched to the research process.

More links can be found at INTERNET SEARCHING TUTORIALS  (my DIGGO JSSALC bookmarks).

The skills outlined in the following tutorial videos are essential for all users of Google (as most of us are!).





REWORDIFY is a website that simplifies the content to assist you to read complex webpages.


Visual Literacy, iPhone app, iPad resources, and Glean

Literacy and Visual Literacy in particular are key areas in the Australian Curriculum and General Capabilities.

Recently I presented about some ways to incorporate Visual Literacy with an iPad at the recent Apps Galore joint Mini-Conference (BCE and Lutheran Education).

These resources can be found here.

iPhone App for the session

Visual Literacy resources (JSSALC wikispaces)


Additionally, the Glean website has some excellent resources to support the development of literacy skills in its various forms.

Glean Learning Tools are free information literacy, data literacy and math teaching tools produced by Public Learning Media, Inc.

