Students in Year 5 have been writing their own storybooks. As a part of this process some students were given the opportunity to recreate the story (or part of a story) using modeling clay and animation techniques.
The first version of Milo and Tom is below.
In the next session the students will have a chance to add sound to the animation.
On Monday 27th April, select students from Year 3, with the support of the Year 6 ICT Mentors participated in a PROGRAMMING WITH APPS session.
The students were introduced to the following concepts:
What a program is
How a computer ‘thinks’
Computer languages and visual programming
They experimented with following instructions and thinking computationally through the use programmable Bee-Bots and the Bee-Bot app. These tools are excellent for reinforcing directional and procedural language.
Through the use of visual programming apps, the students also learnt to create simple programs. Apps like Daisy the Dinosaur and Kodable support students to learn to code by solving puzzles. The ability to problem solve is a critical and creative skill for students to develop.
The students were now ready to create their own program using Scratch Jnr. This app has a drag and drop interface designed specifically for programming with younger children.
The students were given the task to collaboratively design a simple story, selecting an appropriate setting and writing an interaction between characters. This task made connections between the story writing process and computer literacy through programming. The ICT Mentors supported and directed the younger students exceptionally well at this stage.
If you would like to learn more, read some of our blog posts about programming on the JS Library blog or come and see the Bee-Bots in action during first break in the JS Library.
A group of Year 3 students have been experimenting with the green screen as a means to share their learning this term. These students have been considering ways to evaluate, reflect and report on reading.
These green screen movie reflections were created using a variety of apps on the iPad (using the video, camera, drawing and green screen apps).
Touch Cast
Green Screen by Do Ink
Doodle Buddy
This is what the students have thought about the process so far…
See below for two reviews they have created. When the students create their next review (in Term Two) they will direct this (almost) independently, with the aim to become experts for the other students in the class, teaching how to use the green screen and its associated apps.
These reviews are not polished presentations but have been created in a short time frame as a tool to engage and enhance the learning experience.
The students have been engaging with a variety of ICT in order to present and share their learning journey. Below are the websites, apps and auras that were designed for the Exhibition 2014.
Additionally students have also created eBooks, iMovies, Keynotes and presentations in other formats using their iPads.
The student art piece has been documented using the apps below and have been shared as auras (using Aurasma).
Susan Stephenson always has great ideas and demonstrates how to use technology authentically to examine literature and to support literacy development. Thanks Susan!
See Susan’s post “Ways Kids can Create Images with iPad” to glean some great ways to use an iPad creatively.