JSSALC Delicious links …

Over the last few years I have collected many weblinks that relate to the Units of Inquiry, online learning, PYP, languages, ICT and Web2.o just to name a few areas.

Recently I have started to use Diijo. I find that it is wonderful for the community aspect make it a valauable PLN tool. This is my profile of Diijo.

Bubbl.us – great concept mapping tool!

Have you used BUBBL.US?

It is a simple Web 2.0 tool tobrainstorming and mind map.

Year 4 students are using this to gather their thoughts about their current unit of inquiry about water pollution.

These are a few examples that the students have created.

Another great aspect of using bubbl.us is you don’t need to register. This wiki gives you instructions about how-to use bubbl.us.

Try it today.

GOOGLE EARTH – Educational value

Have you considered using GOOGLE EARTH  to enhance your lessons?

Go to 25 ways (and tips) to use GOOGLE EARTH in the classroom.

Some other useful GOOGLE EARTH sites are:

Some examples:

Google Earth Outreach Showcase
How non profit organisations are using Google Earth and maps to show their cause visually.



and see GOOGLE EARTH LESSONS website.

Geo Visitors Map


In the Junior School this year we have been using a WEB 2.0 tool called EDMODO.

It is a micro-blogging tool that allows the students to post a comment, upload a file, follow a link all in a secure chatroom environment.

Students in Year 6 have been using it for their Unit of  Inquiry – Where we are in place and time – to discuss their inquiry into Refugees.

We also have a Junior Japanese page, Hoshi Club, Junior Library Monitor page and Junior Library Chatroom (Year 3 -6 SALC students only) . Each group page has a code. Please see the relevant teacher if you wish to join the group.