App creators

I have been trialling a few app creators for students to use.

There are quite a few app_builder tools. Some of these can be found at my app_builder bookmarks on diggo.

Each has its advantages and disadvantages and must be considered in context. All of the below are web based apps, not native apps.

They listed below are in order of cost.

The first one I used is the iBuildApp.
The plan I am currently using is free. This tool would need the students to have more technical knowledge but allows for android and iOS devices.

This is the app I designed.

Recently I have been playing with tools that will also allow students to design ebooks. One of these is the Creative Book Builder.

This blog post explains how to use CBB from the point of view of Bloom’s (from Appsinclass blog). The advantage of these tools is not technical understanding is required (WYSIWYG).

The Creative Book Builder data can be converted to an app via the in-app purchase TouchApp Creator. The cost is roughly $10 (as you need to purchase both CBB and the TouchApp Creator).

Considerations for me with these apps (apart from costing) is that the data is retained in the app on the particular device (not via login). As I am currently managing shared devices, this can be an issue. Additionally, it only creates for iOS devices (note: ebooks created can be converted to a PDF). A positive is the upload/export option using the cloud (eg. Dropbox).
These are excellent apps that I can see would be simplest for the students.

This is an example of a converted CBB to an TouchApp Creator app.

The JS LIBRARY epub (image) data was then converted to an app.


This SAMR SDS web based app was designed using TouchApp Creator from the converted data.

The JS LIBRARY web based app designed using TouchApp Creator.


Finally, the most interesting choice to me, from an educational perspective, is Blippit as it allows me to manage and review student work before the apps are published.

Blippit explained

A free App about the Blippit App Maker

The cost is an annual subscription (online payment). The support has been very prompt and encouraging so far.



Screenshot of the QR code and link that is generated.


JS LIBRARY app designed using Blippit.

I can see great potential for our students creating their own apps to support their PYP Exhibition journey.

Stay tuned for where we go from here.

Please note: the apps created with Blippit are no longer active.

As of March 2014 Blippit has changed to Blippit IO App Maker.
To retain the work of the students this presentation was created.

Introduction to Programming

This term we are running an Introduction to Programming for students in Upper Primary.

We are looking at a variety of apps (initially) in order to identify prior knowledge and to consider what is possible.

The free apps are excellent for developing programming concepts with younger students. The apps below (some come with in-app upgrades) were selected as they build on each other, don’t take long to learn and set the scene well.

  • A.L.E.X

As a part of this course students will consider WHAT that actually wish to do. To support this the Introduction to Programming Moodle course has tutorials and guides so students can be self-directed in their learning. journey. Students have the opportunity to access these resources outside of school time and to share and collaborate about what they are learning and doing with others via the Edmodo Programming group.


Students will also reflect and complete a GOAL SETTING sheet to clarify their thinking and give some direction to their inquiry.


For example, they may wish to explore the games and gaming, use the apps and websites (eg Kodu, Scratch) to create a games  (focusing  on visual programming language)




Build their own app using a platform such as Blippit or iTouch App after you have created your book using Creative Book Builder.

Blippit – the original pop-up app maker from Get Logged In on Vimeo.


Creative Book Builder for CBB from Digital Roadtrip on Vimeo.


As these sessions are purely to expose the students to programming and creativity through this medium, I am looking forward to seeing what the students create and what they are interested in, to develop resources and future sessions.



Please note: the apps created with Blippit are no longer active.

As of March 2014 Blippit has changed to Blippit IO App Maker.
To retain the work of the students this presentation was created.




In my twitter feed this morning, I came across this tweet about flipped learning for professional learning. This has great potential but obviously required innovative thinking and ability to adapt. I believe that this concept would be embraced by teachers!

FYI – Flipped learning is not just about videos

My reflections on flipping the classroom

  • Flipped learning requires intentional content
  • Need to evaluate the content being taught
  • Consider what needs to teacher directed and what can be student driven
  • Need to change the culture of what is learning
  • Does NOT have to be solely video delivery
  • Requires flexibility, ability to be adaptive and access to resources
  • Need to consider a variety of approaches (situational)
  • Use the KISS principle – KEEP IT SHORT (rather than simple) in order to engage

Flipping Professional Development: No teacher bored in the background








DOGO Book Reviews and online classroom

Do you like to keep up with what others are currently reading? Do you get excited about sharing what you read with others?

Dogo may be the online community you are after. It was voted one of the “Fifty of the best ed-tech products for schools

We have a class page (JS Library) where I am adding reviews, recommendations and articles for SALC students.

See Mrs Boulton if you would like to join this community.


Exploring the potential of Flipped Learning

The term Flipped Classroom has been a buzz word in education circles for a few years.
The potential for improving classroom practice and engagement is partly why there are many innovative teachers adopting these methods into their classroom practice.

See the links to resources to support your exploration.There are many examples of this being done successfully (with documentation of these journeys).

JSSALC diggo links Flipped Learning

Twitter hashtags #flippedclassroom and #flippedclass

21stedtech has an excellent collection of resources (research and practical examples).

Additionally, an infographic (for those who learn visually) explains the concept and impact succinctly. The statistics on improved student learning are mind blowing.

Flipped Classroom

Created by Knewton and Column Five Media

If you would like to try this with your class please let me know. Happy to support.

New resources (weekly)




Below are some QR Code Scavenger Hunts that I have designed to be fully printable and ready to use. As long as you have a wi-fi enabled smart device that can scan, you can use these ‘hunts’ to support student literacy skills.#1. QR Code Context Clue Scavenger Hunt  tags: QR_codes SALC2013 leqict

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

New resources (weekly)


 Password generator

“What is Password Bird?Password Bird is a password generator.Why should I use password bird?The bird generates random passwords from the information you provide. The result is a hard-to-guess word that is familiar and easy for you to remember.” tags: cybersafety InternetSafety passwords SALC201


Newspapers from the 1700s–2000sOver 800 newspapers across the USMillions of additional pages added every month

tags: SALC2013 newspapers inquiry research

“Augmented reality is exactly what the name implies – a medium through which the known world fuses with current technology to create a uniquely blended interactive experience. While still more or less a nascent entity in the frequently Luddite education industry, more and more teachers, researchers, and developers contribute their ideas and inventions towards the cause of more interactive learning environments. Many of these result in some of the most creative, engaging experiences imaginable, and as adherence grows, so too will students of all ages.” tags: augmented_reality SALC2013

Based on her experience, Bennett recommends these top 10 apps for use with elementary-school students:
1. Google Earth: (all ages) Take a virtual field trip to anywhere through this app that uses global satellite and aerial imagery with a swipe of a finger.
2. DoodleBuddy: (all ages) Students and teachers can use this across all content areas as a whiteboard equivalent to paint, draw, sketch and write.
3. Story Buddy: (K-2nd) This app allows kids to create, read and share stories that they create with the iPad.
4. Stack the States: (2nd-6th) An animated, game-based way to learn state locations, capitals, shapes, abbreviations and nicknames.
5. Geocaching: (3rd-6th) In this global treasure hunting game, participants hide and seek containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share their adventures online.
6. Numberland HD: (PK-1st) Twin heroes teach numbers using the Montessori Method.
7. Corkulous: (2nd – 6th) This app allows students to collect, organize and share ideas through notes, labels and photos.
8. iThoughtsHD: (3rd-6th) This mind-mapping tool can be used to sequence ideas, write mind-maps, organize thinking and assess interrelatedness.
9. Coin Math: (K-3rd) Students learn both sides of a coin, how to add them and how to pay for something with the correct coins.
10. StarFall ABC’s: (PK-1st) Students learn to recognize letters and develop skills as they begin to learn to read.
For more information, see Bennett’s research website: tags: Ipads research SALC2013

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.