App Creation ICLT Day

Could you design an app or a website?

Your challenge is to produce an app designed teach another person about a topic for which are an ‘expert’.

You might select a topic that you have inquired into this year at school or from a previous year’s unit of inquiry.



Students had their first information session today about the upcoming day. In one week we will be finalizing our topics and beginning to gather information for our apps.

2014-08-04 10.15.29


Students have been assigned the following task.

What topic or subject matter are you going to choose to create your first app?

Consider what makes a good information app?

What would you consider to be the most important information to include?

Who is it written for?

What is the purpose?






2014-08-04 10.18.54


It is seems that “the best day ever” is how the students viewed the day.

See our published apps on PLANET BLIPPIT.

It was a challenging and exciting day. Looking forward to the students sharing their knowledge with others.

2014-08-04 10.18.35


#blippit  #appcreation #salcICLT #ICLT

Please note: the apps created with Blippit are no longer active.

As of March 2014 Blippit has changed to Blippit IO App Maker.
To retain the work of the students this presentation was created.

Making Connections with apps

Making connections….

with what we do in the JS Library and what is possible in the classroom.

I believe that FOTOBABBLE is an excellent tool for Lower Primary classrooms as it is simple to use as it uses image and audio to create a shareable moment.

It is also web browser friendly, iPad friendly (using an iPhone app) and free!

This is an example of a fotobabble about new resources in the library and the connections to the PYP.


This tutorial about using FOTOBABBLE in the classroom explain the features, as well as some uses for FOTOBABLE in  the classroom.


Show me how!

Year 6 have been learning the process to create a presentation using the Show Me app or the Explain Everything app. These are excellent tools that will be useful to help prepare for the Exhibition later this year.See below for the first two students who have submitted their tutorial or presentation.

See the ICLT4ME Student Reviewed Apps for more examples.

More will be added to our WONDER WALL(s) in the JS Library as the students complete them.

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3

These display spaces in the JS Library are Showcasing student work and reflections, or support resources for the UOIs. They are activated by QR codes and the Aurasma app.



ICT Mentors’ Explorations, AC and Digital Technologies

Today I had an ICT Mentor meeting with students who have nominated to be involved in this leadership group.

The students have been tasked with the role of introducing Beebots to the students and supporting the younger students inquiry. The students will work in pairs to teach and support the younger students learn about basic programming using the Beebots.

We have purchased a variety of ‘maps’  to support this inquiry, as well as the Beetbots and iPads with the Beebot app.

Street map

BB road map 3


World map

BB world map 2

and we have a ‘blank’ map with 15x 15 size squares. Sparkle Box has many fantastic resources for the blank map.

Later in the term these students will work with the younger students to use the Beebots. One possible approach to conducting these sessions is to connect with a picture book and then use the Beebots as a supporting tool.

1) Students will read the book (or use a video of it being read).

2) Students teach the basics of the Beebots and the commands.

3) Students use the blank map to explore the concepts further.

For example, adapt the ‘I went shopping’ game and  turn it  into ‘One day the Hungry Caterpillar ate _____’.

This photo below has the templates for The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.

VHC map

Looking forward to this!

Additional note:

These skills and processes not only connect to developing students’ leadership skills, they also support the Learner Profile and Attitudes of the IB Primary Years Programme. From the teacher perspective this will link into many curriculum  areas. Finally, it provides us with ways to introduce the TECHNOLOGIES curriculum (for Digital Technologies) to students and staff before implementation in 2014.

Specific to the Digital Technologies curriculum

Digital Technologies processes and production skills

Foundation to Year 2 Content Descriptions

Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems (ACTDIP004)

Year 3 and 4 Content Descriptions

Define simple problems, and describe and follow a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve them (ACTDIP010)




Screencasting in Literacy Rotations

Year 6 students will be exploring two apps that are sometimes known as Screencasting apps.

See Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Screencasting here and an iTunesU screencasting collection.

Students will consider the features of the apps and select one to create a demonstration video on a topic of their choosing. We will then share these with other students using Augmented Reality and add to a tutorial wall with student recommended apps.

The two apps we have identified are ShowMe and Explain Everything. There are many more that you could use to create a similar result. Both apps allow you to annotate, animate, and narrate a presentation.

See this guide for Teaching and recording a process using an iPad (@iPadWells).

Before students actually create their tutorial they need to plan their presentation using a story board.


Read this post before you start Steps in Creation.


ShowMe App Tutorials

Explore the ShowMe community to learn from others.

ShowMe PDF

Explain Everything App Tutorials

Explain Everything PDF 

Excellent tutorials and resources are  also available at the STiLT website  (see a few links below):

Navigating the home screen
Building your project
Recording narration
Exporting and saving your project


These resources are also available on the Year 6 Literacy Rotations page in Moodle.


Apps for Lower Primary Students: Implementation, Reviews and lists

Places for find educational apps

Consider the following two websites as excellent starting points:

Kathy Schrock’s iPads in the Classroom

and EdTechTeacher’s iPad As

I want my students to… series 

I want my students to





21 things for 4 iPads – excellent place to start as an educator




Slidetolearn resources

 iPads in Education

21st steps – Victorian Government

Kolbe Catholic College

iPad Kolbe Catholic College

Redlands College

West Moreton Anglican and More Apps

iPad Implementation – Larkin

Tony Vincent iPads

Interesting ways….

iPads in Primary Education



IER App review

iPads for Education

1,000 Education Apps Organized By Subject & Price | Edudemic

Appitic (searchable by subject area)


Commonsense Media 

UKEdChat EduApps

Apps for Teachers



Apps for Prep, Year 1 & 2 students

App list from Manor Lakes

 40 apps for young learners

Apps for learning 

Learning Tools – Pre School/Prep

Pinterest Year 5-6 year olds

Geeks for Juniors – Year 1 apps

Essential Apps Ages 2-6




Telling our stories

Year 1 have been inquirying into stories and storytellling.

The central idea is:

People use a variety of stories for different purposes.

Some of the students have written wonderful stories that we have ‘published’ using apps.

So far we have experimented with the following apps

  • MyStory
  • StoryKit
  • PixnTell


See below for some examples for the stories.

StoryKit  – click on the audio icon to hear the students reading their story aloud.

StoryKit App 

Story 1

Story 2

Story 3

Click here for a StoryKit tutorial.

My Story – Book Maker for Kids

My Story app

Story 1

Story 2

Story 3


PixnTell app

The Pixn Tell app allows you to design your story and then publish it. Once published it is created into an audio file (MP4).

Story 1

Story 2

Story 3

Story 4


There are so many fantastic tools for creating digital stories.

Some of my other resources about teaching this can be found at my diggo digital storytelling links and Online Stories page at my JSSALC wikispaces.