Digital Learning Day 2016

Digital Learning Day is an excellent way to celebrate the ways that our students engage with the world. In education, technology has changed the world we interact with each other – from the classroom to the world.

“Education is evolving due to the impact of the Internet. We cannot teach our students in the same manner in which we were taught. Change is necessary to engage students not in the curriculum we are responsible for teaching, but in school. Period.” – April Chamberlain

“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is most important.” – Bill Gates


Digital Learning Day – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires


Take a Quiz Safer Internet Day 2016 Quiz

View a video

Post your thoughts on the Padlet (see below)

Classes are encouraged to think about their use of technology in the learning process and

“Share your favourite technological tool for learning and add the hashtag #DLD. Why is it your favourite?”


Read a blog post (or two)

Lunchtime Activities 

  • BeeBots, Cubelets and Spheros in the Utilities Room


How We Organise Ourselves: Mini Exhibition

Year Five Mini-Exhibition

The Year Five students have been preparing for their Mini- Exhibition this week. They have been inquiring into the impact of economic decision making.

Central Idea

The economic decisions within society have an impact on humankind and the environment.

Lines of Inquiry

  • Economic activities and decisions within society.
  • The effect of economic decisions on human kind.
  • The effect of economic decisions on the environment.

See below some of the apps and websites that they created to share this information.

Select the image below and scan the QR code to view the Blippit apps. Alternatively, all the St Andrews apps can be viewed HERE .



Zoo Industry Surfing Industry Oil Industry  Shoe Industry
Cosmetic Industry Clothing Industry Pet Industry Car Manufacturing
Cosmetics Industry 2 Fast Food Industry Pharmaceutical Industry Palm Oil Industry


Pharmaceutical Animal Testing

Visual Effects 



Animal Farming

Meat Farming

Robotics Rule:Sphero


JSL Makerspaces











  • Design a maze for the sphero to travel through.
  • Consider the ways that the other teams can gain or lose points.
  • Challenge another team to complete your maze.
  • Use any of the sphero apps on the iPad to complete this challenge.

Sphero Challenge






AIM:  You and your team are challenged to complete the Sphero Maze.

As a team are trying to collect points along the way. You have a limited amount of time per group. The team with the most points wins. This is a game of challenge and strategy.

You will be given time as a team to consider the best approach to achieve the most points.

Consider the below:

1) Is it better to collect points or complete the challenge in the fastest time?

2) Collaboratively decide on the best course of action. Assign a driver and support team.

Mazes sourced: Big Activities

Time Allocation: 1 MINUTE PER GROUP

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Will you take the challenge?

Cubelets: ICT Mentor Led Sessions

Cubelet Challenge





JSL Makerspaces









SELECT 3 CUBELETS (one from each category)

  • THINK block
  • SENSE block
  • ACT block

Q: What does this cube do and when connect a ____?

 What happens? 

cubelts set


Select the link to play all the videos tagged as “cubelets”.



ROBOTICS RULE: THE JS Library M@kerspace

Robotics banner Think Sense Act

The focus for the JS Library Makerspace in Term 4 is exploration with robotics.

Students have access to the following robotic resources

  • Bee Bots
  • Cubelets
  • Spheros

In Term 1 some Year 1 students were able to learn with the Lego WeDo).


Additionally, we try to match the concepts to literature.

JS Library Term 4 display (3)






Photos of students at the initial mentor training session

The ICT Mentors (and friends) have learnt how to use the cubelets and the sphero in an introductory session in order to teach other students. These student were already competent in the use of Bee Bots.

As a part of the construct of the Makerspace, it is desired to have some permanent stations or activities for the students as well as ones that are temporary and supervised  (led by a teacher or the ICT Mentors) in order to support the more complex programs and tasks.

Jonah mentoring









Year 3 ICT Mentor in Training Mentoring Preps!

Permanent Stations for Exploration: Bee Bot

The Bee Bots will be available each day and at first break.


The Sphero will be able to be ‘borrowed’ by other students (with a trained student willing to support the other students in its use and to assist with trouble shooting).

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Temporary Station for Exploration: Cubelets 

cubelts set











In Week 4 students across the Junior School will have the opportunity to use these resources and will be set a collaborative challenge to complete.

See below more information about these challenges below (select thumbnail to view larger size).

Bee Bots in Action

Cubelets in Action

Sphero in Action and see Cathy Hunt’s iPad Art Room for more exciting ways to explore coding with the Sphero.


NOVEMBER :Share a Story


Creative Prompts for Kids

View more lists from Susan Stephenson
Using LEGO Storystarter  – create a story, video it and share it with others.
Lego Story Starter

See more ideas at the Children’s Laurette website November.


“Calendar concept © Jackie French. Calendar © ACLA”


The Australian Children’s Laureate: enriching the lives of young Australians through the power of story.