Year 2 and the Makerspace

Year 2 and the Makerspace

Central Idea 

Technology has changed over time and influences the way people live.

Key Concepts    

  • Change and Connection

Related Concepts

  • Innovation and Discovery

Lines of Inquiry

  • What technology is.
  • How technology has changed over time.
  • Ways technology has influenced our lives.

Design Task

Future Technology: Design a Car

Global Day of Design


In the JS Library Makerspace, we aim to develop students love of learning through hands-on learning by challenging the thinking Design Thinkng Collageprocess.









It is “a holistic approach that links the disciplines so that the learning becomes connected, focused, meaningful, and relevant to learners” (Smith & Karr-Kidwell, 2000, p. 22).

To celebrate our first week of our newly renovated library (which includes the Makerspace) the students were offered the opportunity to participate in the Global Day of Design (26th April  #GDD16). Over three days, we offered three design challenges based on literature.

As a part of the Design Process, the students worked in groups to complete the challenge and then reflected on the learning (all in 30 minutes!).

The students were also exposed to the engineering design process which includes identifying a problem, developing ideas and solutions, and sharing these solutions with others.

The Challenges

Huff n Puff

Designing a bridge for the Billy Goats Gruff

Shake it Up

Designing an earthquake proof building

The Sky is the Limit

Paper plane designs

(Stealth: longest flight time in air)


toothpicks, masking tape and 3 marshmallows


playing cards and ½ metre of masking tape




Billy Goats have to be attached to a marshmallow.

Have to use all the toothpicks


Have to use all the playing cards.


1 A4 piece of paper









Some of the students’ thoughts:

  • Need to keep it stable and safe and so we used two cards per wall
  • We thought of strategies to keep the building up
  • All the parts have a function
  • Triangles have more stability than other things
  • Thought about the ways to stabilise and use all the cards
  • To use the triangle method not the cube

ICT Mentors design training





The ICT Mentors for 2016 were introduced to the Design Thinking concept and were available as support for the groups. They exhibited a wonderful enthusiasm and attitude to their role. Well done.


Programming with Apps

On Monday 27th April, select students from Year 3, with the support of the Year 6 ICT Mentors participated in a PROGRAMMING WITH APPS session.

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The students were introduced to the following concepts:

  • What a program is
  • How a computer ‘thinks’
  • Computer languages and visual programming


They experimented with following instructions and thinking computationally through the use programmable Bee-Bots and the Bee-Bot app.  These tools are excellent for reinforcing directional and procedural language.

Through the use of visual programming apps, the students also learnt to create simple programs. Apps like Daisy the Dinosaur and Kodable support students to learn to code by solving puzzles. The ability to problem solve is a critical and creative skill for students to develop.

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The students were now ready to create their own program using Scratch Jnr. This app has a drag and drop interface designed specifically for programming with younger children.

The students were given the task to collaboratively design a simple story, selecting an appropriate setting and writing an interaction between characters. This task made connections between the story writing process and computer literacy through programming. The ICT Mentors supported and directed the younger students exceptionally well at this stage.

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All these apps are available for free. More apps can be found at Programming for Primary Students.

If you would like to learn more, read some of our blog posts about programming on the JS Library blog or come and see the Bee-Bots in action during first break in the JS Library.2015-04-27 20.49.01



App Creation ICLT Day

Could you design an app or a website?

Your challenge is to produce an app designed teach another person about a topic for which are an ‘expert’.

You might select a topic that you have inquired into this year at school or from a previous year’s unit of inquiry.



Students had their first information session today about the upcoming day. In one week we will be finalizing our topics and beginning to gather information for our apps.

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Students have been assigned the following task.

What topic or subject matter are you going to choose to create your first app?

Consider what makes a good information app?

What would you consider to be the most important information to include?

Who is it written for?

What is the purpose?






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It is seems that “the best day ever” is how the students viewed the day.

See our published apps on PLANET BLIPPIT.

It was a challenging and exciting day. Looking forward to the students sharing their knowledge with others.

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#blippit  #appcreation #salcICLT #ICLT

Please note: the apps created with Blippit are no longer active.

As of March 2014 Blippit has changed to Blippit IO App Maker.
To retain the work of the students this presentation was created.

Maker Spaces, Design Thinking & STE(A)M

Ideas in the making…. Just some thoughts

Creating a Maker Space is just one way that we can connect what happens in the library to the real world.
There are many versions of Maker Spaces. In reality it depends on many variables such as money, space and time.
The Horizon Report 2014 (preview)  has identified  some topics that are clearly relevant and met by the use of Maker Spaces, Design Thinking and STE(A)M approaches to Innovative Teaching and Learning.
  • Significant Challenges Impeding K-12 Ed Tech Adoption 
  • Difficult Challenges: Those that we understand but for which solutions are elusive
  • Complex Thinking and Communication 
  • Integrating Personalized Learning 
  • Solvable Challenges: Those that we understand and know how to solve
  • Creating Authentic Learning Opportunities 
See the MAKER SPACE@THE LIBRARY PINTEREST for some curated resources on this topic.
Like most things, being creative and open minded can allow you achieve success and value add for our students.
I am looking at ways we might do this as SALC. The Australian Curriculum – Technologies allows us to do this authentically and to fulfill the requirements of the curriculum (win win!).
In the past students have participated in exploratory sessions with programming, designing apps, game making and digital story telling. I would like to further scaffold this with a design thinking approach, where the students design their own inquiry, rather than it being a structured teacher led experience.
Some ideas:




K-8 CS course


PS: This week I visited PIMPAMA STATE SECONDARY COLLEGE and saw their design thinking in action. Looking forward to seeing the next stage of their journey.

Design Minds EXPLAIN from State Library of Queensland on Vimeo.

Show me how!

Year 6 have been learning the process to create a presentation using the Show Me app or the Explain Everything app. These are excellent tools that will be useful to help prepare for the Exhibition later this year.See below for the first two students who have submitted their tutorial or presentation.

See the ICLT4ME Student Reviewed Apps for more examples.

More will be added to our WONDER WALL(s) in the JS Library as the students complete them.

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3

These display spaces in the JS Library are Showcasing student work and reflections, or support resources for the UOIs. They are activated by QR codes and the Aurasma app.