Bubbl.us – great concept mapping tool!

Have you used BUBBL.US?

It is a simple Web 2.0 tool tobrainstorming and mind map.

Year 4 students are using this to gather their thoughts about their current unit of inquiry about water pollution.

These are a few examples that the students have created.

Another great aspect of using bubbl.us is you don’t need to register. This wiki gives you instructions about how-to use bubbl.us.

Try it today.

My (Reading) Shelf

Stanley in a bookcase

Choose a question (or two) to respond to…

Q: What is your favourite place to read?

Q: What are you currently reading?

Q Do you have any favourite authors?

Q Is there an author you would like the meet and why?

Q Where are most of the books in your home?

Q Which book will you take on your next holiday?

Q What was the last book you bought for someone else (or the last book you recommend someone buy)?

Q Name: 3 of your most memorable reads

Q Can you remember your favourite book when you were younger?

Write your response on the wallwisher below or reply to this post

Want to have your photos viewed from all angles – use Photosynth!

What is photosynth?”

How Does it Work?

In simple terms, Photosynth allows you to take a bunch of photos of the same scene or object and automagically stitch them all together into one big interactive 3D viewing experience that you can share with anyone on the web. “


WebLists – web 2.0 tool

Q: What is Weblist?
A: Weblist is a social listing site that allows users to create smart lists from URLs, Photos, Music, Videos, Documents and Files.
The smart list will then be displayed in thumbnail view for easy browsing, sharing, and organization.”

This could be a great tools for helping students when they are reseaching!


