日本語 五年生 Year 5
What did you think about your video conference with Akiko Sensei’s class in Japan? どうでしたか。
I thought it was interesting and I got the chance to meet kids in Japan.
It was great. It was a great experience.
It was fun.
It was an awesome experience.
I enjoyed saying my self introduction.
It was new and fun.
Do you think this project using Skype helped you learn Japanese? 日本語のべんきょうになりましたか。
Yes, because we were only allowed to use Japanese.
Yes, but it was a little hard to hear at times.
Some words I did not understand.
Yes, I learnt how to say more words and my self introduction in Japanese.
Yes because we had to answer questions and say hard things.
Yes, it built up my confidence.
Yes, I have learnt how to introduce myself.
What do you think we could do in the second conference?
We could talk about what we are learning in class
Get everyone to ask a question.
Everyone should have a go at speaking.
We could let the students in Japan speak in their native language as well. French etc.
We could speak in English as well.
To learn more about their school and what they have learned.
We could do a play for them.
We should talk about what they do in Japan.
It could be a bit louder.
We could make a slide show for them about the things we have learnt.
Let more students have a chance to talk.