Students have been asked to ask me their questions (about anything) and I will endeavor to find an answer. Part of this process will be also demonstrating my research to find this answer (or answers).
As a PYP school we encourage students to ask their questions and to direct their own inquiry.
One concept based on student questions is the PASSION PROJECT and GENIUS HOUR.
Jamie Mackenzie has many books and blog posts about types of questions and how to formulate the right questions. This is the link to his QUESTIONING TOOLKIT.
This approach to developing effective questions is often coined as ungoogleable and it is essential that we support students “move beyond the cut and paste“.
Yr 4 has been using SYMBALOO to easily share their resources with the students. This is another example of a bookmarking tool.
An awareness that Google is not the only search engine is important. Each search engine has a different purpose (such as wikipedia). Later in this post are some examples of search engines for younger children.
WIKIPEDIA and its usefulness
Wikipedia can a starting place to get an general understanding of a new topic or concept. It is now improved in its quality control (as content needs to be substantiated) and often can be the most current source of information on a topic. Weblinks and references to supporting information can assist students to explore more deeply about a topic. It is a springboard tool in my opinion.
Like all sources ACCURACY of content needs to be assessed and this is a skill that students need to develop.
Some teachers are still concerned about using wikipedia, but it should be viewed and assessed like any information source for:
One way to do this is using RADCAB – an acronym for Relevancy, Detail, Currency and Bias. This is an excellent online tutorial for students designed to teach them about these key aspects.
Understanding how to research and locate relevant information is a life skill. Students need to understand how different search engines work in order to be successful and efficient in their searching.
When searching students (at the very least) need to understand the following
– Key words and designing a search query
– Identifying what they need to find!
– Relevance to inquiry
– Ability to scan and re-assess the research process.
Using simple ‘tricks’such as usingCONTROL F – to find a key word in a webpage or a lengthy PDF saves time and can be helpful to analyse the usefulness of a resource to the current inquiry.
Designing a search query is also where some students struggle. This tutorial explains how to do this.
Additionally, the following video looks at the importance of key word order when searching in Google.
Digital learning is also known as e-learning. One example of e-learning is flipped classrooms. This can take a variety of formats. Please ask me if you would like support with this.
Currently, I am a participant in a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) E-Learning and Digital Culture. It is a coursera course – online courses run by various universities around the world (and it is free!).
See the website below for some resources to help you. “The Alliance develops toolkits to provide digital learning resources and ideas for teachers in specific subject areas. The tools and resources in these toolkits are not the totality of good information available; instead, they are designed to provide guidance on how technology and digital learning can enhance the educational experience and outcomes for all students. We continue to add to this collection and welcome any ideas, tools, models, or resources. Learn & Explore with these incredible toolkits!”
Another valuable resource for Australian educators is The National Digital Learning Resources Network (Education Services Australia)
Take the challenge, improve your learning, reach your students and have FUN!
Source The Daring Librarian
This year for my orientation to use of the PYP library we are going to use some QR codes. I will have a scavenger hunt for students to orientate themselves but I am also looking for some higher order and creative thinking to be employed.
We will look at what a contemporary library is using the Y chart as a stimulus (looks like, sounds like, feels like) and consider how this is different from the library of the past using thePYP ATTITUDES and PYP LEARNER PROFILE as support materials.
Teachers and students will have a chance to look at the PYP library using the QR CODE.
The Year 3 students had a combined session with their Specialist teachers this week.
What have Year 3 been learning?
The Year 3students have been learning How the world works. They have been expresing the emotions of fishermen working on their boats. The dance goes with the soran bushi song to depict hauling nets, throwing baskets of fish over their shoulders and putting nets out.
This Sorin Bushi dance can be viewed on YouTube on morocojin’s Channel.
Consider the story of Cinderella. Add some interactive-ness, then put on DeBono’s thinking hats and you will have a recipe for expressing ourselves from the perspective of Year 1.
This is the interactive version the story of Cinderella we used to set the scene.
These are some shots of us working, thinking and collaborating.