I was fortunate enough to attend a Masterclass at Edutech this year.
“Design thinking in the Australian Curricululm” with Ewan McIntosh @notosh (and Hamish Curry and Tom Barrett).
The sessions were fast and furious (I went through four pencils in the Immersion and Synthesis stage of the process).
Simple, yet effective ideas like the six word stories are wonderful ‘I can implement tomorrow’ ideas.
I think that a tool like Haiku Deck would be excellent to visualise these as well.
I am currently in the synthesising phase of how to actually implement this process at SALC. The concepts have great potential not only for use with the Australian Curriculum but perfect for the inquiry method in the PYP. I LOVED the idea of using TED talks to generate a “generative topic” and the challenging nature of them.
@art_cathyhunt visual notes – nice!
What’s in a word? Meaning and intention? Does it make a difference? Emotive words and hidden intent?
The focus on a key word in statements was frustrating (as often words used could be interchangeable) yet I understood the purpose and importance of the selection of language.
See some tweets – #Edutech
Lots of food for thought. Stay tuned for where we go next.