20 thoughts on “Book Week 2010 Week 6

  1. Fearless was funny, hilarious and great. We loved when the dog said “Look dad, that naughty man has his feet on the table”. We liked the robber not saying goodbye. If we could change the ending, we would make Fearless eat his bone or maybe the robber says goodbye.

  2. We really enjoyed Isabella’s Garden. The illustrations were fantastic and we liked how the dresses and outfits looked like material. Some people liked the way the story repeated and how it had creative new words that popped into the story. By Serena

  3. I liked it when the dog said to his dad. Look dad that robber has his feet on the table. And I liked it when the robber diden’t say good bye when he left.

  4. I liked how his name was Fearless I thought it was qute. I think the idear was realy cool when the robber came in the house and when the robber went out of the house. I liked how Fearless said he left without saying goodbye.It was a really cool book.

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