Show me how!

Year 6 have been learning the process to create a presentation using the Show Me app or the Explain Everything app. These are excellent tools that will be useful to help prepare for the Exhibition later this year.See below for the first two students who have submitted their tutorial or presentation.

See the ICLT4ME Student Reviewed Apps for more examples.

More will be added to our WONDER WALL(s) in the JS Library as the students complete them.

photo 1 photo 2 photo 3

These display spaces in the JS Library are Showcasing student work and reflections, or support resources for the UOIs. They are activated by QR codes and the Aurasma app.



Screencasting in Literacy Rotations

Year 6 students will be exploring two apps that are sometimes known as Screencasting apps.

See Kathy Schrock’s Guide to Screencasting here and an iTunesU screencasting collection.

Students will consider the features of the apps and select one to create a demonstration video on a topic of their choosing. We will then share these with other students using Augmented Reality and add to a tutorial wall with student recommended apps.

The two apps we have identified are ShowMe and Explain Everything. There are many more that you could use to create a similar result. Both apps allow you to annotate, animate, and narrate a presentation.

See this guide for Teaching and recording a process using an iPad (@iPadWells).

Before students actually create their tutorial they need to plan their presentation using a story board.


Read this post before you start Steps in Creation.


ShowMe App Tutorials

Explore the ShowMe community to learn from others.

ShowMe PDF

Explain Everything App Tutorials

Explain Everything PDF 

Excellent tutorials and resources are  also available at the STiLT website  (see a few links below):

Navigating the home screen
Building your project
Recording narration
Exporting and saving your project


These resources are also available on the Year 6 Literacy Rotations page in Moodle.