FAIR (Freedom of Access to Information and Resources) has joined with various library associations to find out what makes a great school library.
“We will be looking for libraries that help children and young people find reliable information; use the information effectively; think critically; make informed decisions; work productively with others; build knowledge and understanding of the world; safely navigate the internet; communicate and share their ideas; and find great reads to meet personal interests and abilities.” Fair
Consider what makes our library great then add your responses to the padlet below.
Service involves selfless giving and making a difference in the lives of others by identifying and responding to their needs, and carrying out that service without expecting recognition or reward. At St Andrews an ethic of service abounds which helps account for the commonplace, selfless, individual and community actions that go to enriching the lives of others.
Galatians 5:13 ‘….. but through love serve one another’
Source: Kotzur, T. (Principal) St Andrews Core Values
A St Andrews Education is an education that focuses on developing the whole child -academically, culturally, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually. Our task is to develop learners, to foster growth, and to form character. At St Andrews we strive to intentionally develop young men and women who are caring, compassionate, ethical, moral, resilient, courageous, disciplined and respectful. It is a school that encourages its young people to value participation in a broad range of activities across an array of human endeavours, and in doing so helps them to discover who and whose they are, so that they may find meaning and purpose in their lives. The formation of character, then, at St Andrews is a part of every child’s experience so that they learn ‘to act justly, and to love kindness and to walk humbly with their God’.
Luke 2:40 ‘And the child increased in wisdom and in stature and in favour with God and man’.
Source: Kotzur, T. (Principal) St Andrews Core Values
The Name Jar, written and illustrated by Yangsook Choi
Rose Meets Mr Wintergarten by Bob Graham
Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell illus by Helen Oxenbury
Burch, Regina G., Ember, Kathi. (2002), Following the rules : learning about respect, Character education, Huntington Beach, Calif. : Creative Teaching.
Danneberg, Julie., Love, Judith DuFour. (2008), First day jitters, New York : Scholastic.
Do, Anh., Do, Suzanne., Whatley, Bruce. (2011), The little refugee, Crows Nest, N.S.W. : Allen & Unwin.
Higgins, Melissa. I am respectful, Capstone Press.
Niland, Deborah. (2007), Annie to the rescue, Camberwell, Vic. : Viking.
Parker, David., Fiammenghi, Gioia. (2004), I show respect, The best me I can be, New York : Scholastic.
Grace seeks to pardon the wrongs we have done to others, and the wrongs others have done to us. Grace enables fresh starts. Each day at St Andrews brings with it the promise of a new beginning.
Ephesians 2:8 –
‘For by grace you have been saved through faith’
Source: Kotzur, T. (Principal) St Andrews Core Values
We are committed to the pursuit of the highest levels of personal attainment in all aspects of education – academic, pastoral and co-curricular. Achievement and improvement are actively encouraged, supported, recognised and celebrated. People bring their gifts, talents and abilities to fruition by striving to achieve their Personal Best, giving careful attention to every task, relationship, and interaction. When we strive for Personal Bests, self-discipline, hard work, persistence, resilience and tenacity in achieving goals are demonstrated. We strive to be the best we can be, not just for ourselves alone, but to make a difference in the world.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 –
‘Whatever you do, do well’
Source: Kotzur, T. (Principal) St Andrews Core Values
Hugo the Happy Starfish “ONE STEP AT A TIME” Picture Book Trailer
Fenton, Corinne., Gouldthorpe, Peter. (2008), The dog on the tuckerbox, Fitzroy, Vic. : Black Dog Books.
Imai, Ayano. (2007), The 108th sheep, 1st Australian ed, Mascot, N.S.W. : Koala.
Kelly, Paul., Carmody, Kev., Hudson, Peter., Kalkarinji School. (2008), From little things big things grow, Camberwell East, Vic. : One Day Hill/Affirm Press.
Berne, Jennifer., Radunsky, Vladimir. (2013), On a beam of light : a story of Albert Einstein, San Francisco, California : Chronicle Books.
Buchanan, Sue., Shafer, Dana., Allen, Joy. (2001), Mud Pie Annie : God’s recipe for doing your best, Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan.
Daywalt, Drew., Jeffers, Oliver. (2013), The day the crayons quit, London : HarperCollins Children’s.
Hillenbrand, Will. (2009), Louie!, New York : Philomel.
Lester, Alison. (1992), Imagine, A little ark book, North Sydney : Allen & Unwin.
Reynolds, Peter H. (2005), Ish, London : Walker Books. CREATIVITY
Reynolds, Peter H. (2007), So few of me, London : Walker.
Rodriguez, Edel. (2009), Sergio saves the game!, 1st ed, New York : Little, Brown.
Straw, Wendy., Pascal, Milton H., Marks, Gerald. (2008), The little engine that could, Malvern, Vic. : Brolly.
Do, Anh., Do, Suzanne., Whatley, Bruce. (2011), The little refugee, Crows Nest, N.S.W. : Allen & Unwin.
Graham, Bob. (1994), Rose meets Mr Wintergarten, Picture Puffins, Ringwood, Vic. : Penguin Australia.
Niland, Deborah. (2007), Annie to the rescue, Camberwell, Vic. : Viking.
Williams, Mary., Christie, Gregory. (2005), Brothers in hope : the story of the Lost Boys of Sudan, New York : Lee & Low Books.
Blabey, Aaron. (2007), Pearl Barley and Charlie Parsley, Camberwell, Vic. : Penguin.
St Andrews, as a school of the Lutheran Church is a Christian School. It is a school where the Christian Faith is central to its life and work. We look to the risen Jesus, who is the ‘way, truth and life’. Faith enables us to look forward with expectation and confidence, placing our trust in God’s provision of the things we need to handle all kinds of situations and events that occur. Faith is open to all possibilities and not limited by what we might wish for. Faith allows God to define our lives, and each person is called to respond by loving God and others as themselves.
2 Corinthians 5:7 – ‘For we live by faith, not by sight’
Source: Kotzur, T. (Principal) St Andrews Core Values
Service involves selfless giving and making a difference in the lives of others by identifying and responding to their needs, and carrying out that service without expecting recognition or reward. At St Andrews an ethic of service abounds which helps account for the commonplace, selfless, individual and community actions that go to enriching the lives of others.
Galatians 5:13 ‘….. but through love serve one another’
Source: Kotzur, T. (Principal) St Andrews Core Values
St Andrews is a community in which we experience a shared sense of belonging, identity and connectedness. It is underpinned by respect, acceptance, inclusion and interdependence. Belonging to the St Andrews community confers responsibilities, as well as rights, and so we work and serve together for the common good. Living in and building community means that we treat people with the love, respect and concern they deserve as a child of God. When we practise care, we value the whole person, and show that the person really matters to us and our community.
1 Thessalonians 5:11 – ‘Encourage one another and build up one another’
Cutbill, Andy., Ayto, Russell. (2006), The cow that laid an egg, London : HarperCollins Children’s.
Lears, Laurie., Ritz, Karen. (1998), Ian’s walk : a story about autism, Morton Grove, Ill. : Whitman.
Montano, Josie., Ottley, Matt. (2004), The bubble, South Melbourne : Lothian.
Hume, Lachie. (2006), Clancy the courageous cow, Malvern, S. Aust. : Scholastic. CHAPTER BOOKS
Learning is the primary purpose of the College, and as such the seeking of knowledge, reason, wisdom and truth is core to a St Andrews Education. We believe the joy and challenge of ongoing learning is fundamental to life, and encourage inquiry and curiosity. Each member of our community is charged with the responsibility to learn to their fullest potential, and is called to be a lifelong learner.
Proverbs 1:5 – ‘Let the wise hear and increase in learning’
Source: Kotzur, T. (Principal) St Andrews Core Values