Category Archives: Reflection
Hipcast and blogger
In order to compile students and teacher reflections about iDevice use, I have created a podcast to post these.
This hosting is using the service Hipcast.
Podcast title
Conversations with teachers & students about iDevices
Support blog LEQICT Blog
How does ICT and technology impact on your learning (and teaching)?
Consider how you learn at St Andrews….
Think about the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) that you use to support your learning journey and inquiry?
How does using technology impact your learning (and teaching)?
Yr 5 A created their own wallwisher. This is what they thought Yr 5A wallwisher.
Or post your comment below (don’t forget to just use your 1st name).
Oliver and Reading Lists survey
In order to improve the use of resources in the JS Library, the Oliver catalogue has the function of READING LISTS.
All teachers and students have been introduced to this resource.
In order to make the most of the function READING LISTS and to ensure it meets your needs, please complete the survey below.
Schools Thinking Differently
Most of us probably think of a school as having four walls, desks and chairs.
These schools think differently about education.
GREEN SCHOOL (from TED talks)
Floating school Bangladesh
What are your thoughts about the different types of schools and how they learn?
What you change at your school?
Memiary –
Use MEMIARY as a reflection tool for the day, week or month … Great for gathering student ideas about a new Unit of Inquiry and then using it as a reflection tool at the end of a Unit of Inquiry.
In the Junior School this year we have been using a WEB 2.0 tool called EDMODO.
It is a micro-blogging tool that allows the students to post a comment, upload a file, follow a link all in a secure chatroom environment.
Students in Year 6 have been using it for their Unit of Inquiry – Where we are in place and time – to discuss their inquiry into Refugees.
We also have a Junior Japanese page, Hoshi Club, Junior Library Monitor page and Junior Library Chatroom (Year 3 -6 SALC students only) . Each group page has a code. Please see the relevant teacher if you wish to join the group.