- Using the iPad to create a background for a story.
One way to allow students to write for a purpose is through the creation of stories and the publishing of them. In the Junior School, I am supporting students to become ‘published’ through the use of apps and ICT tools in order to easily distribute their writing, motivating them and allowing for a wider audience to share in their work.
WANTED: Student stories
Step 1:
Email me the original story
Step 2:
Production and publishing of the story
- We (the soon to be author and I) will decide on the best tool to publish the story.
Step 3:
Sharing the product – publishing for an audience
The story will then become available in the JS library, accessible via QR codes located on the shelves or through the promotion of Featured Writers.
The stories will be classified as Fiction or Non-Fiction and ‘shelved’ accordingly.

Choose your stories by browsing the shelves and looking for the QR codes.
Use a QR code app on a smart device to scan the code.
1) Load the webpage and ‘read’ the story, ‘hear’ the music and narration, or ‘see’ the illustrations and storytelling.
This year’s stories are HERE.