Year 1 have been inquirying into stories and storytellling.
The central idea is:
People use a variety of stories for different purposes.
Some of the students have written wonderful stories that we have ‘published’ using apps.
So far we have experimented with the following apps
- MyStory
- StoryKit
- PixnTell
See below for some examples for the stories.
StoryKit – click on the audio icon to hear the students reading their story aloud.
Click here for a StoryKit tutorial.
My Story – Book Maker for Kids
The Pixn Tell app allows you to design your story and then publish it. Once published it is created into an audio file (MP4).
There are so many fantastic tools for creating digital stories.
Some of my other resources about teaching this can be found at my diggo digital storytelling links and Online Stories page at my JSSALC wikispaces.