2012 top learning tools for 2012

Each year Jane Hart compiles the Top 100 learning tools.

Additionally, Jane has also provided the following tools:

“But now for the complete 2012 Top 100 Tools list. I have prepared a number of resources that not only provide detail about the tools but that also help to analyze the list.  This includes:

– a shareable slideset, (via Slideshare), which I have embedded below
– a textual list, where you can also see at a glance, how the tools are commonly being used (ie for Personal/Professional use, in Education or in the Enterprise)
– a list of the Winners and Losers in 2012 – compared to 2011
– and a categorised list of tools, called Best of Breed 2012

And, if you want to compare the rankings across the six surveys, there’s the Top 100 Tools 2007-2012 list too.”




I love looking at this list to see if I am current in my awareness of the tools that others are using, as well as finding new ones!

It is an excellent way to easily share what can be used from the myriad of resources out there, that can simply overwhelm.

My general rule of thumb is – find one new tool to experiment with – consider its benefit to education – trial it with some students and then share :).




I already use the majority of tools on the list – but will be testing out Learnist as an alternative content curator.