Students in Year 2 are inquirying into WHO WE ARE and HOW WE ORGANISE this term.
The focus of these inquiries is below.
Central idea
Children around the world have different responsibilities but similar human needs.
Key Concepts: Responsibility, Perspective
Lines of inquiry:
Needs and responsibilities of children around the world
Exploring similarities between my needs and those of others
Exploring differences between my responsibilities and those of others
GO TO THE INTERACTIVE – Needs of children
Write a response – What are our needs?
Take the 1 question survey about needs.
Central idea: Maps help us to understand familiar and unfamiliar places
Key concepts: Form, Function, Connection
Lines of inquiry
- The purpose of maps
- The connection between maps and communities
Scribblemaps – create your own map
Click here to open this binder in a new window.
Design your own city – city creator