The Junior School Library
Search – Ask –Learn – Connect
Tour the JS Library using the tools below.
The interactive thinglink below is one way to virtually visit the JS Library.
Select a link to view a space or feature in the JS Library (hover over the image).
Tour the JS Library using a spherical 360 degree image.
The images below were created using a 360-degree camera that takes 360 degree spherical images. You can zoom, freely navigate or allow the image to scroll around without user input.
Have fun and explore the space.
Making Connections space
The Campfire, Book Nook and Reading spaces
The images below are just a few of the photos of the JS Library spaces and some the things we do here.
- The JS Library
- The Book Nook to Making Connections
- View towards the entrance
- The Campfire classroom area
- Making Connections
- Borrowing
- Breaktimes
- Stitched images
- Makerspace
- Design Thinking