More programming apps and software

I have gathered some of the programming apps and resources for teaching programming to younger students using EdShelf.

Since my earlier post Introduction to Programming I have discovered a few new apps. These are in this collection.


Cato’s Hike

Kine Script

See this collection at
The Programming for Primary students Collection by Julia Boulton: Programming for Primary students #edtech #digitaltechnologies #programming #edublog


New resources (weekly)

  • tags: search search engines images SALC2013

  • tags: SALC2013 Australian_Curriculum AC

  • “Wonder is for everyone. It can happen anywhere and at anytime. Connecting the learning we do in our schools, our homes, and our communities, Wonderopolis walks the line between formal and informal education. Each day, we pose an intriguing question and explore it in a variety of ways. Our approach both informs and encourages new questions, sparking new paths of wonder and discovery in family and classroom settings.”

    tags: SALC2013 PYP inquiry

  • “The Literacy Shed is home to a wealth of visual resources that I have collected over my 10 year career as a primary school teacher. I trawl YouTube, vimeo and other sites looking for suitable resources to use in the sheds. The sheds are broadly thematic but sometimes a resource could go in 2 or more sheds, I slot it in where I think it works best.

    Most of the resources can be used in KS1 and KS2 but some do lend themselves to the upper age group and above. The aim is to provide high quality resources that can be used in stand alone literacy lessons, can form the basis for a whole iteracy unit or can support literacy units that you already have in place. With the many book based activities I would advocate using the book alongside the digital resource. “

    tags: Englsh literacy SALC2013

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

New resources (weekly)

  • “Comic Life is a game-changing app that allows students to create posters or comic books full of rich media. The app helps teachers pull the most valuable materials from students and tackles all levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. Comic Life can be used throughout many segments of a lesson plan, ranging from an anticipatory set to a summative assessment of a student’s proof of mastery for any standard in any subject level. The creativity for each comic can be started from a template or started from scratch. “

    tags: comicstrip_creator comics apps SALC2013

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

New resources (weekly)

  • Fighting PlagiarismBy Jamie McKenzie, ©2013, all rights reserved.About authorWhat are the best ways to combat the trend toward plagiarism?How can we best teach our students to value and practice original thinking?How can we structure research so that students must make answers rather than just finding them?

    tags: SALC2013 SALC Plagiarism Article

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.