JS Library Refurbishment: progess end of Term 1

The 1st term of 2016 has just finished and the handover of the JS Library refurbishment has occurred.

Today we had some of our shelving erected (non fiction) and had our first look at the new space. We have also purchased shelving dedicated for magazines and book bins for the picture books.

The JS Library space has doubled in size due to the removal of an internal wall (which was separating the staffroom and the library).  This means that we are now able to cater for whole classes plus an additional class comfortably.

We also have a third teaching space dedicated to the Makerspace. I am looking forward to what this might evolve into.

JS Library Makerspace (1)








Makerspace in 2015

The ‘wow’ feature for me at this stage is the Reading Cubby. I am looking forward to seeing the students enjoying this space.

2016-03-24 09.03.23







The Reading Cubby

See the images below of the space.
Next term we will have the new shelving installed and will be set up for students and staff to be able to visit and enjoy the new space (assuming all deliveries have occurred this will be Week 2 Term 2).

The JS Library space now has a variety of learning areas catering for small groups, whole classes, individual working and quiet reflective areas. The Reading Pit has been replaced with a dual space with campfire seating and shelving.









The new JS Library space is waiting to be filling with resources and children.

JS Library 2015




This is we used to look like.

Stay tuned to see what it evolves into next term.

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