Making Connections FAITH

Faith – ‘The Spirit of Hope

St Andrews, as a school of the Lutheran Church is a Christian School. It is a school where the Christian Faith is central to its life and work. We look to the risen Jesus, who is the ‘way, truth and life’. Faith enables us to look forward with expectation and confidence, placing our trust in God’s provision of the things we need to handle all kinds of situations and events that occur. Faith is open to all possibilities and not limited by what we might wish for. Faith allows God to define our lives, and each person is called to respond by loving God and others as themselves.

2 Corinthians 5:7 – ‘For we live by faith, not by sight’

Source: Kotzur, T. (Principal) St Andrews Core Values


Confidence – Open-minded – Reflective


You Are Special.  By Max Lucado


Grandfather’s Journey by Allen Say

**More resources to come**

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