10 thoughts on “Book Week 2010 Week 5

  1. I loved the way that the characters changed in the story. The first half of the story had bear reassuring chook (who was a bit scared) and then the second half had the chook reassuring the bear. Very clever!

  2. Bear and Chook by the Sea was very funny because the chook was complaining all the way to the beach and then the bear was complaining because the big wave wet him.

  3. It was cool how the author said that the bear was talking to the chook about the sea and chook was scared and then when they went back, the bear was scared.

  4. I liked the bok “bear and chook” becuse it was funny and it was funny because the chook was scared and the bear kept saying that oh dont worry its just over the bridge and then he said want to go home and then the bear said dont worrry its just over the mountan then he said I want to go home then the chook said I want to go home the nthe bear said look there it is then when they were there ethe bear got washed by a big wave then they went home then the bear ssaid that I want to go home then the chook said dont worry we have to go over the mountan then the bear said I want to go home then the chook said dont worry the bridge is right there then the bear said I want to go home and the the chook said dont worry we are home

  5. I liked the bok “bear and chook” becuse it was funny and it was funny because the chook was scared and the bear kept saying that oh dont worry its just over the bridge and then he said want to go home and then the bear said dont worrry its just over the mountan then he said I want to go home then the chook said I want to go home the nthe bear said look there it is then when they were there ethe bear got washed by a big wave then they went home then the bear ssaid that I want to go home then the chook said dont worry we have to go over the mountan then the bear said I want to go home then the chook said dont worry the bridge is right there then the bear said I want to go home and the the chook said dont worry we are home.

  6. It was funny when the Bear was on the waves. It was interesting how the Chook didn’t want to go to the seaside, but when Bear got crashed by the wave, it was Bear that didn’t want to be at the seaside.

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