Coding/computer programming

I chose coding as my form of investigation as I am interested in finding out how it works and how it has changed over the years.

What is Coding?

Coding allows people to speak with computers using words that both humans and computers understand: they’re called programming languages. … Kids can use them to communicate with computers and control technology as well as making games, apps and music!
This technology allows for communication of ideas and beliefs by allowing us to create games and websites that help us express our emotions and ideas. You can also express your beliefs by using our projects to communicate your thoughts and express who you are.
Here are some advantages for coding:
*coding helps us debug problems
*coding helps us to create games
*it can help disabled people communicate
*coding improves persistence
*coding is fun and satisfying
*students with coding knowledge will understand the world around them better
*coding improves creativity
*coding improves collaboration skills
*coding improves problem solving
*coding jobs are in high demand
And disadvantages for coding:
*some codes are used to hack
*the codes could have a glitch
*the codes could accidentally delete themselves so then the coders would need to start over
*sitting down coding on the computer all day can be bad for your health
*touching technology all day can give off radiation to the coder
I highly recommend scratch to kids from 9-12 because its easy for younger kids it’s also fun and imformitive but if you wish to create a website than java script is the one for you!(other good coding websites include: python,code combat,code moji,kodable and
In the future I think coding will advance into high tech virtual reality to expand the gaming universe and break new barriers never touched before.
Scratch coding uses blocks to operate…this is called block coding. Block coding uses algorithms of code in the form of blocks to create video games or websites. Block coding was created in 1950 by Richard.w.Hamming.
In London 1822 a mathematician named Charles Babbage created the first mechanical computer called the analytical engine.
It wasn’t until 1945 that a man named Konrad Zuse invented plankalkul. Planlalkul was the the first high level computer programming language.
The programming languages that followed are:
(please note these programming languages are not in a particular order)
I did some more research today and I found out:
*the first game was created in 1961
*the first virus was created in 1983
*the first computer “bug” was identified in 1947 as a death moth
(All pictures and videos were found on the Internet)

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