Course & Equipment

Most of the information you will need can be found on the Kokoda Challenge – Gold Coast website.

The Kokoda Challenge: Home  select the ‘GOLD COAST’ link.

When you enter the ‘Competitors Area’ using the link from the right hand column of the website you will find other links detailing:

You will use your team username and password. (see Team Details page of this blog)

The ‘Preparation and Course map’ link is great for tips about Hydration, Fuel, Course profile and distances and Equipment recommendations.

Please note that most of this information is referring to the full 96km event. You will see the 48km start line at the half-way mark of the full course map.


3 thoughts on “Course & Equipment

  1. Just wondering if the boys should be organising an official support crew amongst their families and if there will some St Andrews meeting at some point regarding this?

    • Thanks Sandy. There will be a meeting mid next Term to give details about support crew and all things that you may need to know.

      There will be a need to find a family who has a vehicle that can be used as the official support crew car. One car carries all competitors boxes. There is no rush with sorting this out. Our meeting around week 4 or 5 next Term will answer all those questions.

      • Thanks. Think the only trouble with working out support crew is that the boys will have too many volunteers.

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