National Year of Reading – June theme is DREAM


The definition for dreaming from

1. To experience a dream in sleep: dreamed of meeting an old friend.
2. To daydream.
3. To have a deep aspiration: dreaming of a world at peace.
4. To regard something as feasible or practical: I wouldn’t dream of trick skiing on icy


 Martin Luther King is famous for his “I have a dream…” speech.

What was it about?


Share your ideas below…

What do you dream or aspire to do/be?

The following content is from the National Year of Reading 2012 |  the-OPINION-chair blog

“DREAM is infinite.  Here are a few ideas to get you started:-

  • Go back to your childhood, what were your favourite tales, nursery rhymes or bedtime stories?
  • Dream about your memories, and think about putting pen to paper
  • Research the Dreamtime, Australia’s history is rich and diverse, there’s lots to discover
  • Dream about a place you would like to visit, and read up about it on travelogues, or even use Google Maps’ street view
  • Let your imagination unravel and write your own story
  • Dream about the future; does what Science Fiction tell us really ring true?
  • It’s always fun to dream about the impossible.  Take a trip down fantasy lane and pick up a fantasy novel, who knows, you might get engrossed…”

National Year of Reading 2012


The National Year of Reading is about promoting reading in all its many forms and expressions but also to validate the act of reading – whether you read a book, a phone screen or a sign. 

Alison Lester’s “Are we there yet?” has been chosen for the National Year of Reading’s, one book, one country – a story for everyone around Australia to read to promote reading.  The story is based on the reflections of her children on their adventurous and sometimes funny expedition around Australia.  This story will be shared with classes.   You are welcome to borrow it for home too.  Please see Ms Heeley for a parent library card.

“Are we there yet?” short story competition is being held in Qld from 20 April – 1 June. 

Competition link

Image source

 2011 National Year of Reading   Alison Lester’s book Are We There Yet?

 as viewed on National Year of Reading website.
