Kathy Schrock’s BLOOMIN APPS

Using Bloom’s with ipads and android devices – check out BLOOMIN’ APPS

Kathy Schrock is a well respected educator who is constantly producing fantastic resources for teachers to use in their classrooms.

Check out these resources to use with the iPads (and android). These are based on Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Kathy Schrock

Andrew Churches Edorigami

Dr L O Wilson


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The story of Cinderella – perspective

Consider the story of Cinderella. Add some interactive-ness, then put on DeBono’s thinking hats and you will have a recipe for expressing ourselves from the perspective of Year 1.

This is the interactive version the story of Cinderella we used to set the scene.

These are some shots of us working, thinking and collaborating.

Yr 1 Express Ourselves – Cinderella on PhotoPeach

Schools Thinking Differently

Most of us probably think of a school as having four walls, desks and chairs.

These schools think differently about education.

GREEN SCHOOL (from TED talks)


Floating school Bangladesh







What are your thoughts about the different types of schools and how they learn?

What you change at your school?

Flipstack Webtool Mashup – Blooms, MI and more

Webtool Mashup – Integrating Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy, Gardner’s Multiple intelligences and Webtools

This tool has great application for the classroom and Professional Learning.

Some of its features include the ability to save the work as a PDF and to embed the results.

An example of this tool being used for Professional Learning is below.This FlipSnack was created by Kirsten Lange as a way to present key words (using wordle) for each year level using the Australian Curriculum and Mathematics learning area. It is an excellent example of blending two Web2.0 tools.
