Edutech Masterclass STEM & Coding

Today was a day filled with #STEM and #coding at #EdutechAU Masterclass.

Participants explored how STEM can engage and challenge students while implementing the Australian Curriculum (Science, Mathematics and Technologies).

The days was a ‘hands on’ approach with participants applying a design thinking approach to robotics, programming and STEM, examining related concepts to adapt and implement in their context.

See some below some of the resources and sharing from the day.

Design Challenge with @Sphero @julia_boulton

#EduTechAU #masterclass






JS Library Virtual Tour

The Junior School Library

SearchAsk Learn – Connect

Tour the JS Library using the tools below.

The interactive thinglink below is one way to virtually visit the JS Library.

Select a link to view a space or feature in the JS Library (hover over the image).

Tour the JS Library using a spherical 360 degree image.

The images below were created using a 360-degree camera that takes 360 degree spherical images. You can zoom, freely navigate or allow the image to scroll around without user input. 

Have fun and explore the space. 

Making Connections space

Post from RICOH THETA. – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA


The Campfire, Book Nook and Reading spaces

Post from RICOH THETA. – Spherical Image – RICOH THETA


The images below are just a few of the photos of the JS Library spaces and some the things we do here. 


PYP and the Teacher Librarian: Job Like Day








The job of the Teacher Librarian in a PYP school is hard to explain to someone who is not familiar with a contemporary library in an educational setting.

This library does not look like the cliched ‘read a book’ to children and discuss it situation. This is just one component to the learning engagements that will occur.








PYP Teacher Librarians  are adding value to the teaching and learning experiences of those in the school community.

The library and the role of the Teacher Librarian  has reading and literature promotion embedded in the teaching and learning at the core.

It is also is about classroom teaching, planning, collaboration, mentoring and training.

It does include all the Essential Elements of the PYP, just like a PYP classroom teacher has to consider  BUT it also is about visioning, resourcing, budgeting, collection management AND changing culture and attitudes.

It is a role that embraces change and challenge.

It is about Educational Leadership!








Above all it is about supporting and challenging others to be life-long learners and supporting them on the learning journey.

St Andrews will host a ‘Job like day’ later in the term.

This below is just a snippet of the what the day beholds.


Global Day of Design


In the JS Library Makerspace, we aim to develop students love of learning through hands-on learning by challenging the thinking Design Thinkng Collageprocess.









It is “a holistic approach that links the disciplines so that the learning becomes connected, focused, meaningful, and relevant to learners” (Smith & Karr-Kidwell, 2000, p. 22).

To celebrate our first week of our newly renovated library (which includes the Makerspace) the students were offered the opportunity to participate in the Global Day of Design (26th April  #GDD16). Over three days, we offered three design challenges based on literature.

As a part of the Design Process, the students worked in groups to complete the challenge and then reflected on the learning (all in 30 minutes!).

The students were also exposed to the engineering design process which includes identifying a problem, developing ideas and solutions, and sharing these solutions with others.

The Challenges

Huff n Puff

Designing a bridge for the Billy Goats Gruff

Shake it Up

Designing an earthquake proof building

The Sky is the Limit

Paper plane designs

(Stealth: longest flight time in air)


toothpicks, masking tape and 3 marshmallows


playing cards and ½ metre of masking tape




Billy Goats have to be attached to a marshmallow.

Have to use all the toothpicks


Have to use all the playing cards.


1 A4 piece of paper









Some of the students’ thoughts:

  • Need to keep it stable and safe and so we used two cards per wall
  • We thought of strategies to keep the building up
  • All the parts have a function
  • Triangles have more stability than other things
  • Thought about the ways to stabilise and use all the cards
  • To use the triangle method not the cube

ICT Mentors design training





The ICT Mentors for 2016 were introduced to the Design Thinking concept and were available as support for the groups. They exhibited a wonderful enthusiasm and attitude to their role. Well done.

JS Library Refurbishment: progess end of Term 1

The 1st term of 2016 has just finished and the handover of the JS Library refurbishment has occurred.

Today we had some of our shelving erected (non fiction) and had our first look at the new space. We have also purchased shelving dedicated for magazines and book bins for the picture books.

The JS Library space has doubled in size due to the removal of an internal wall (which was separating the staffroom and the library).  This means that we are now able to cater for whole classes plus an additional class comfortably.

We also have a third teaching space dedicated to the Makerspace. I am looking forward to what this might evolve into.

JS Library Makerspace (1)








Makerspace in 2015

The ‘wow’ feature for me at this stage is the Reading Cubby. I am looking forward to seeing the students enjoying this space.

2016-03-24 09.03.23







The Reading Cubby

See the images below of the space.
Next term we will have the new shelving installed and will be set up for students and staff to be able to visit and enjoy the new space (assuming all deliveries have occurred this will be Week 2 Term 2).

The JS Library space now has a variety of learning areas catering for small groups, whole classes, individual working and quiet reflective areas. The Reading Pit has been replaced with a dual space with campfire seating and shelving.









The new JS Library space is waiting to be filling with resources and children.

JS Library 2015




This is we used to look like.

Stay tuned to see what it evolves into next term.

Digital Learning Day 2016

Digital Learning Day is an excellent way to celebrate the ways that our students engage with the world. In education, technology has changed the world we interact with each other – from the classroom to the world.

“Education is evolving due to the impact of the Internet. We cannot teach our students in the same manner in which we were taught. Change is necessary to engage students not in the curriculum we are responsible for teaching, but in school. Period.” – April Chamberlain

“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is most important.” – Bill Gates


Digital Learning Day – Created with Haiku Deck, presentation software that inspires


Take a Quiz Safer Internet Day 2016 Quiz

View a video

Post your thoughts on the Padlet (see below)

Classes are encouraged to think about their use of technology in the learning process and

“Share your favourite technological tool for learning and add the hashtag #DLD. Why is it your favourite?”


Read a blog post (or two)

Lunchtime Activities 

  • BeeBots, Cubelets and Spheros in the Utilities Room