Smart Fridge📱

 I have chosen to research Smart Fridges because they are so important I would like to see what they will be in the future.  I recommend that as more advanced technology comes out, we should use it to our advantage.

That was my poster that I have created with all of my information on it I have also made a presentation that is shown beneath;


(Yellow fever is not relevant to Smart Fridges but because I mentioned one of the first fridges were made for yellow fever patients I had to explain what yellow fever is)

Assisted Technologies

Cat, a yr 12 student from Marymack, created a prize winning piece of technologies.



Cat believed that everyone should have access to gaming.



She created a console for a child with cereable palsy to use.



Friend with cereable palsy.



Wanted him to work with technology his own way.



A gaming console.


Podcasting with Mrs Kelly

Today, Mrs Kelly, a lady from a podcasting company came in to talk to us about podcasting. She told why podcasting is better than radio in some cases but also what it lacks.

Mrs Kelly told us that podcasting lacks instant news.  Podcasting is someone’s voice being recorded and posted under a category so it lacks things that are live.  Radio is usually live so you can find out about something straight away.

The biggest thing I learnt today is that people use podcasts to listen to whatever they want whenever they want.


Today Mr Ivet came in to talk about drone technology

 I found out drones can display many purposes such as;


tall building check

farmers can herd cattle

deliver pizza

rescue people

shark spotting

whale watching

film making

Real estate photos


can disrupt air space

invade privacy

can break/pollute

aggrivate wildlife

can be dangerous

-sharp propellers

-could hit you


These are the pros and cons of drone technology and hopefully in the future there are less cons.

The three rotations


Last week we got into three groups to learn about our new U.O.I.  We were looking at ways technology can be used.

In coding we learnt about Algorithms and Debugging.  Algorithms are a set of instructions to complete a task and Debugging is programming and fixing errors.








In Spheros, I found out how easy they are to control because you can connect it to your iPad and move them using a joystick.






Lastly, I wrote about and discussed if pen and paper are types of technology.